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Invited Talks

34. Multi-X framework for neuroimaging data analysis, Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), Sep. 2024
33. Data science in neuroimaging, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Aug. 2024.
32. AI techniques in the medical field, Aerospace Medical Association of Korea, May 2024.
31. Computational analysis for multimodal integrative neuroimaging, Inha University, Mar. 2024. 
30. Diagnostic and prognostic utilization of artificial intelligence & machine learning algorithms, International Headache Congress, Sep. 2023. Link
29. Towards multi-X computational neuroimaging signatures, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), August 2023.
28. AI-based big data analysis for brain imaging data, SungkyunKwan University, June 2023.
27. Broad understanding of neuroimaging data analytics, Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR), March 2023.
26. Gradients of structure connectivity, Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR), March 2023.
25. Structure-function coupling in autism, MICA day, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (MNI), Dec. 2022.
24. Development of statistical techniques for neuroimaging data analysis, The Korea Society of Health Informatics & Statistics, Nov. 2022.
23. Advancements in neuroimaging data analysis techniques & clinical/neuroscientific applications, SungkyunKwan University, Sep. 2022.
22. Multimodal MRI & multiscale analyses for clinical neuroscience, Inha University Hospital, July 2022.
21. Past and present neuroimaging data analyses & clinical/neuroscientific applications, Inha University, June 2022.
20. Autism structure-function coupling and structural connectome asymmetry, MICA day, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (MNI), Mar. 2022.
19. Multiscale perspective in structural brain organization in typical and atypical development, Inha University, Dec. 2021.
18. Topographic divergence of cortical thickness in TLE – The worldwide ENIGMA study, Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre, Nov. 2021.
17. Multiscale contextualization of brain organization during adolescent development, Korean Society of Human Brain Mapping, Nov. 2021.
16. Broad understanding of neuroimaging data analysis – Neuroscience, Image processing, Machine learning, Korea University Ansan Hospital, Oct. 2021.
15. Multi-scale neural contextualization in typical and atypical development, Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, July 2021.
14. Cross-disorder effects in major psychiatric disorders, MICA day, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (MNI), Apr. 2021.
13. Profiling of epilepsy-related pathology along connectome gradients, ENIGMA-Epilepsy Workshop, Aug. 2020.
12. Structural connectome manifolds during neurodevelopment, Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR), July 2020.
11. Structural connectome manifolds in typical and atypical development, Feindel Virtual Brain and Mind Seminar, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (MNI), July 2020.
10. Cortical hierarchies in space and time – How brain structure governs ongoing functional dynamics?, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics (MPI-EA), Jan. 2020.
9. fMRI Hands-on Training Workshop, Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR), July 2019.
   -- Topics: Preprocessing, task and resting-state fMRI analyses, connectivity analysis
8. Functional connectivity analysis and machine learning techniques, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics (MPI-EA), Feb. 2019.
7. Functional connectivity analysis: FuNP_FC, Sungkyunkwan University, Dec. 2018.
6. fMRI analyses: From conventional to advanced approaches, Samsung Medical Center, Nov. 2018.
5. Research Workshop for six topics : (1) MRI data preprocessing, (2) fMRI analyses, (3) Image genetics, (4) Radiomics, (5) Deep learning, (6) Machine learning and statistics, Medical Image Processing Lab (MIPL), Oct. 2018.
   -- Topic: fMRI analyses
4. fMRI Hands-on Training Workshop, Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR), July 2018.
   -- Topics: Preprocessing, task and resting-state fMRI analyses, connectivity analysis
3. Forum on rs-fMRI preprocessing, Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR), Jan. - Feb. 2018.
2. fMRI Hands-on Training Workshop, Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR), Jan. 2018.
   -- Topics: sMRI, rs-fMRI, and t-fMRI preprocessing and connectivity analysis
1. Neuroimaging Summer Workshop, Hands-on Training, Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR), July 2016.
   -- Topics: sMRI, rs-fMRI, and t-fMRI preprocessing and connectivity analysis
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Tel: (+82) 02-3290-5924
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