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▶ FuNP for T1 and fMRI preprocessing
Standardized data is necessary for neuroimaging analysis to improve robustness, reliability, and reproducibility. We developed a fully automated wrapper software by combining components of AFNI, FSL, FreeSurfer, Workbench, and ANTs for data preprocessing. FuNP (Fusion of Neuroimaging Preprocessing) provides both volume- and surface-based preprocessing pipelines with GUI framework.

▶ micapipe for multimodal MRI preprocessing
The main goal of this pipeline is to provide a semi-flexible and robust framework to process multimodal MRI data (T1-weighted, resting-state fMRI, and diffusion-weighted image) and generate ready to use connectomes. The micapipe utilizes a set of known software dependencies, different brain atlases, and software developed in MICA lab.

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