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Conference Papers




106. C. H. Lee, M. J. Lee, and B.-y. Park, "Whole-brain functional connectome alterations in patients with migraine," (Poster), 16th European Headache Congress, Dec. 2022.

105. K. Byeon, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "Signal embedding of fMRI using mesh-aware graph convolution network," (Poster), The 7th Joint Conference of Korean Artificial Intelligence Association, Nov. 2022.

104. Y. J. Park, S. Yoo, C. Y. Kim, J. Y. Namgung, Y. Park, and B.-y. Park, "Structural MRI synthesis using Generative Adversarial Network," (Poster), Korean Society of Human Brain Mapping, Nov. 2022.

103. Y. Jang, H. Choi, H. Park, and B.-y. Park, "Identification of structural connectome disorganization in autism spectrum disorder using low-dimensional feature representations," (Poster), Korean Society of Human Brain Mapping, Nov. 2022.

102. Y. J. Park, S. Yoo, C. Y. Kim, J. Y. Namgung, Y. Park, and B.-y. Park, "Generative Adversarial Network for synthesizing myelin imaging," (Poster), 2022 The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, Nov. 2022.

(박영준, 유슬기, 김채연, 남궁종영, 박윤서, 박보용, "미엘린 영상 합성을 위한 생성적 적대 신경망," (Poster), 대한의용생체공학회 2022년도 추계학술대회, Nov. 2022.)

101. Y. Jang, H. Choi, H. Park, and B.-y. Park, "Difference in brain structural connectivity between autism and control groups based on low-dimensional feature representations," (Poster), 2022 The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, Nov. 2022.

(장유림, 최형신, 박현진, 박보용, "저차원 특징 벡터 기반의 자폐환자군과 정상군 간 뇌 구조적 연결성 차이," (Poster), 대한의용생체공학회 2022년도 추계학술대회, Nov. 2022.)

100. K. Xie, J. Royer, S. Larivière, R. Rodriguez-Cruces, R. Vos de Wael, B.-y. Park, H. Auer, S. Tavakol, J. DeKraker, C. Abdallah, L. Caciagli, A. Bernasconi, N. Bernasconi, B. Frauscher, L. Concha, and B. C. Bernhardt, "Atypical Intrinsic Neural Timescales in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy," American Epilepsy Society, Dec. 2022.

99. K. Xie, J. Royer, S. Larivière, R. Rodriguez-Cruces, R. Vos de Wael, B.-y. Park, H. Auer, S. Tavakol, J. DeKraker, Y. Weng, C. Abdallah, L. Caciagli, A. Bernasconi, N. Bernasconi, B. Frauscher, Z. Zhang, L. Concha, and B. C. Bernhardt, "Atypical Functional Connectome Hierarchy in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy," American Epilepsy Society, Dec. 2022.

98. J. Royer, S. Larivière, R. Rodriguez-Cruces, D. G. Cabalo, S. Tavakol, H. Auer, B.-y. Park, C. Paquola, J. Smallwood, E. Jeffries, A. Bernasconi, N. Bernasconi, B. Frauscher, and B. C. Bernhardt, "Cortical microstructural gradients capture memory network reorganization in temporal lobe epilepsy," American Epilepsy Society, Dec. 2022.

97. S. Cho, B.-y. Park, and M. J. Lee, "Association between cerebrovascular reactivity and deep white matter hyperintensities using BOLD MRI: comparison between migraine without aura and migraine with aura," Migraine Trust International Symposium, Sep. 2022.

96. C. F. Weber, V. Kebets, S.-J. Hong, B.-y. Park, O. Benkarim, and B. Bernhardt, "Reduced Connectivity Distance in Autism Spectrum Disorder," Americal Society of Functional Neuroradiology, Aug. 2022.

95. J. Ottoy, M. S. Kang, Y.-H. Yeh, R. Vos de Wael, B.-y. Park, J. Isen, M. Agopian, G. Bezgin, F. Lussier, S. Mathotaarachchi, J.-P. Soucy, S. Gauthier, B. C. Bernhardt, S. E. Black, P. Rosa-Neto, and M. Goubran, "Situating tau pathology and neuroinflammation along the principal gradients of brain organisation in Alzheimer’s disease," (Poster), Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Aug. 2022.

94. Y. Jang, H. Choi, H. Park, and B.-y. Park, "Reconstruction of brain structural connectivity of autism and control groups using an autoencoder," (Poster), 2022 The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, May 2022.

(장유림, 최형신, 박현진, 박보용, "오토인코더를 이용한 자폐 스펙트럼 환자군과 정상군의 뇌 구조적 연결성 재구성," (Poster), 대한의용생체공학회 2022년도 온라인 춘계학술대회, May 2022.)

93. S. Yoo and B.-y. Park, "Association between brain structural connectome asymmetry and network communication," (Poster), 2022 The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, May 2022.

(유슬기, 박보용, "자폐 환자들의 뇌 구조적 연결성 비대칭도와 정보 흐름 사이의 연관성," (Poster), 대한의용생체공학회 2022년도 온라인 춘계학술대회, May 2022.)

92. C.H. Lee, M. J. Lee, and B.-y. Park, "Low-dimensional cortical functional connectivity alterations and associations with neurotransmitter distributions in migraine," (Poster), 2022 The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, May 2022.

(이채현, 이미지, 박보용, "대뇌 피질에서 편두통 환자의 저차원 기능적 연결성 패턴 변화와 신경전달물질 간의 관계 연구," (Poster), 대한의용생체공학회 2022년도 온라인 춘계학술대회, May 2022.)

91. C. H. Lee, M. J. Lee, C.-S. Chung, and B.-y. Park, "Cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical functional connectivity alterations in migraine," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2022.

90. S. Yoo, Y. Jang, S.-J. Hong, S. L. Valk, B. C. Bernhardt, and B.-y. Park, "Cortical asymmetry of structural connectivity in autism spectrum disorder," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2022.

89. S. Larivière, B.-y. Park, J. Royer, Y. Weng, B. Frauscher, Z. Wang, G. Shafiei, B. Mišić, A. Bernasconi, N. Bernasconi, D. Schrader, Z. Zhang, and Boris C. Bernhardt, "Pre-operative epileptic network architecture constrains surgery-induced connectome reorganization," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2022.

88. S. Larivière, C. Paquola, B.-y. Park, J. Royer, Y. Wang, O. Benkarim, R. Vos de Wael, S. L. Valk, S. I. Thomopoulos, M. Kirschner, ENIGMA Consortium, S. Sisodiya, C. R. McDonald, P. M. Thompson, and B. C. Bernhardt, "The ENIGMA Toolbox: Cross-disorder integration and multiscale neural contextualization of neuroimaging datasets," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2022.

87. Y. Wang, J. Royer, B.-y. Park, R. Vos de Wael, S. Larivière, S. Tavakol, R. Rodriguez-Cruces, C. Paquola, S.-J. Hong, D. Margulies, J. Smallwood, S. Valk, A. C. Evans, and B. C. Bernhardt, "Long-range functional connections mirror and link microarchitecture and cognitive hierarchies," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2022.

86. V. Kebets, O. Benkarim, B.-y. Park, S. Valk, S.-J. Hong, and B. C. Bernhardt, "Atypical thalamo-cortical connectivity gradients in autism spectrum disorder," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2022.

85. M. Hettwer, S. Larivière, B.-y. Park, O. van den Heuvel, L. Schmaal, O. Andreassen, C. Ching, M. Hoogman, J. Buitelaar, D. Veltman, D. Stein, B. Franke, T. van Erp, N. Jahanshad, P. Thompson, S. Thomopoulos, R. A. I. Bethlehem, B. C. Bernhardt, S. Eickhoff, and S. Valk, "Coordinated Cortical Thickness Alterations in Psychiatric Conditions: a Transdiagnostic ENIGMA study," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2022.

84. J. Royer, R. Rodriguez-Cruces, S. Tavakol, S. Larivière, P. Herholz, Q. Li, R. Vos de Wael, C. Paquola, O. Benkarim, B.-y. Park, A. Lowe, D. Margulies, J. Smallwood, A. Bernasconi, N. Bernasconi, B. Frauscher, and B. C. Bernhard, "MICA-MICs: An open MRI dataset for multiscale neuroscience," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2022.

83. J. Royer, S. Larivière, R. Rodriguez-Cruces, S. Tavakol, B.-y. Park, C. Paquola, A. Bernasconi, N. Bernasconi, B. Frauscher, and B. C. Bernhard, "Atypical microstructural gradient organization in temporal lobe epilepsy," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2022.


82. T. Xu, H.-T. Wang, B. McKeown, D. Gutierrez-Barragan, B.-y. Park, R. Leech, E. Jefferies, D. S. Margulies, A. Gozzi, M. P. Milham, and J. Smallwood, "Ongoing thought at rest:  interaction between neuromodulation and dynamic states," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2022.

81. K. Xie, J. Royer, S. Lariviere, R. Rodriguez-Cruces, S. Tavakol, B.-y. Park, R. Vos de Wael, A. Bernasconi, N. Bernasconi, B. Frauscher, L. Concha, and B. C. Bernhardt, "Atypical intrinsic neural timescales in temporal lobe epilepsy," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2022.


80. R. Rodriguez-Cruces, J. Royer, P. Herholz, S. Larivière, R. Vos de Wael, C. Paquola, O. Benkarim, B.-y. Park, J. Degré-Pelletier, J. de Kraker, L. Concha, and B. C. Bernhardt, "Integrated multimodal neuroimaging data processing using micapipe," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2022.

79. J. Ottoy, M. S. Kang, J. Isen, G. Bezgin, F. Lussier, S. Mathotaarachchi, M. Agopian, J.-P. Soucy, B.-y. Park, R. Vos de Wael, S. Gauthier, B. C. Bernhardt, S. E. Black, P. Rosa-Neto, and M. Goubran, "Tau propagation and neuroinflammation along gradients of connectivity in Alzheimer’s disease," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2022.

78. S. Yoo, J. S. Barg, B.-y. Park, and S.-K. Lee, "Investigation of MR visibility control of water-based (CaTiO3) dielectric padding with iron oxide contrast agent in 7T human brain MRI," (Poster), International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, May 2022.


77. Y. Jang, K. Byeon, H. Park, and B.-y. Park, "Deep learning-based classification of autism individuals using functional connectivity," (Poster), International Biomedical Engineering Conference 2021, Nov. 2021.


76. S. Yoo and B.-y. Park, "Cortical asymmetry of structural connectivity in autism spectrum disorder," (Poster), International Biomedical Engineering Conference 2021, Nov. 2021.


75. C. H. Lee, M. J. Lee, C.-S. Chung, and B.-y. Park, "Low-dimensional representations of functional connectivity in migraine," (Poster), International Biomedical Engineering Conference 2021, Nov. 2021.

74. Y. Jang, K. Byeon, H. Park, and B.-y. Park, "Classification between autism spectrum disorder and normal controls using functional connectivity and fully connected networks," (Poster), Korean Society of Human Brain Mapping, Nov. 2021.

73. S. Yoo and B.-y. Park, "Brain asymmetry of structural connectivity in autism spectrum disorder using manifold learning," (Poster), Korean Society of Human Brain Mapping, Nov. 2021.

72. C. H. Lee, M. J. Lee, C.-S. Chung, and B.-y. Park, "Alterations in functional connectivity along the cortical axis in migraine patients," (Poster), Korean Society of Human Brain Mapping, Nov. 2021.

71. H. Choi, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "Autoencoder-based subtyping of eating behaviors using functional MRI," (Poster), 43rd annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, Oct-Nov. 2021.

70. B.-y. Park, S. Cho, C.-S. Chung, and M. J. Lee, "Stability of functional MRI-based migraine diagnosis: an internal validation study," (Oral), International Headache Congress, Sep. 2021.

69. B.-y. Park, R. A. I. Bethlehem, C. Paquola, E. T. Bullmore, and B. Bernhardt, "An expanding manifold characterizes adolescent reconfiguration of structural connectome organization," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2021.

* Selected as Poster Highlights

68. B.-y. Park, C. Paquola, R. A. I. Bethlehem, O. Benkarim, E. T. Bullmore, and B. Bernhardt, "A multiscale cortical wiring space charts adolescent development of structural brain networks," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2021.


67. B.-y. Park, S. Larivière, R. Rodríguez-Cruces, J. Royer, S. Tavakol, Y. Wang, L. Caciagli, S. Sisodiya, P. Thompson, C. McDonald, A. Bernasconi, N. Bernasconi, and B. Bernhardt, "Divergence of cortical asymmetry and atrophy in temporal lobe epilepsy: A worldwide ENIGMA study," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2021.


66. Y. Wang, J. Royer, B.-y. Park, R. Vos de Wael, S. Larivière, S. Tavakol, R. Rodríguez-Cruces, C. Paquola, S. L. Valk, J. Smallwood, A. C. Evans, and B. Bernhardt, "Microstructure gradients reflect distributed and integrative functional connectivity patterns," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2021.


65. S. L Valk, P. Kanske, B.-y. Park, S.-J. Hong, A. Böckler-Raettig, F.-M. Trautwein, B. Bernhardt, and T. Singer, "A low-dimensional connectome manifold governs the organization and plasticity of social brain functions in humans," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2021.

64. H. L. Schaare, L. Rücker, Ş. Bayrak, B.-y. Park, B. Bernhardt, S. L. Valk, "Genetic association of blood pressure with cortical microstructure and functional connectivity," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2021.


63. S. Larivière, C. Paquola, B.-y. Park, J. Royer, Y. Wang, O. Benkarim, R. Vos de Wael, S. L. Valk, S. Thomopoulos, M. Kirschner, ENIGMA-Epilepsy Working Group, S. Sisodiya, C. McDonald, P. Thompson, B. Bernhardt, "The ENIGMA Toolbox: cross-disorder integration and multiscale contextualization of neuroimaging datasets," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2021.


62. S. L. Valk, T. Xu, C. Paquola, B.-y. Park, R. A. I. Bethlehem, R. Vos de Wael, J. Royer, S. K. Masolueh, Ş. Bayrak, P. Kochunov, B. T. T. Yeo, D. Margulies, J. Smallwood, S. B. Eickhoff and, B. Bernhardt, "Transmodal decoupling of human cortical microstructure and function is under genetic control," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2021.

61. C. Paquola, M. Kirschner, N. Al-Sharif, S. Larivière, B.-y. Park, O. Benkarim, A. C. Evans, and B. Bernhardt, "Imaging-transcriptomics model of intracortical development during youth," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2021.

60. R. Rodríguez-Cruces, J. Royer, P. Herholz, S. Larivière, R. Vos de Wael, C. Paquola, O. Benkarim, B.-y. Park, J. Degré-Pelletier, L. Concha, and B. Bernhardt, "Micapipe: a BIDS compatible processing pipeline for multiscale imaging and connectome analysis," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2021.

59. J. Royer, R. Rodríguez-Cruces, S. Tavakol, S. Larivière, P. Herholz, Q. Li, R. Vos de Wael, C. Paquola, O. Benkarim, B.-y. Park, A. L. Lowe, D. Margulies, J. Smallwood, A. Bernasconi, N. Bernasconi, B. Frauscher, and B. Bernhardt, "An open MRI dataset for multiscale neuroscience," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2021.


58. J. H. Yun, E.-J. Lee, B.-y. Park, K. Byeon, and H. Park, "Do our brains oppose to autonomous vehicle killings more than to other moral risks? An fMRI investigation," (Oral), 2020 Global Marketing Conference, Nov. 2020

57. M. Kim, J. Bao, K. Liu, B.-y. Park, H. Park, L. Shen, "Structural connectivity enriched functional brain network using simplex regression with GraphNet," (Poster), The 11th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, Oct. 2020.

56. B.-y. Park, R. Vos de Weal, C. Paquola, B. Mišić, D. Bzdok, J. Smallwood, and B. Bernhardt, "Structural connectome manifolds guide dynamic functional network reconfigurations," (Oral), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2020.

55. B.-y. Park, S.-J. Hong, O. Benkarim, C. Paquola, L. Mottron, J. Smallwood, and B. Bernhardt, "Macroscale structural manifold perturbations in autism spectrum disorder," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2020.

54. B.-y. Park, K. Byeon, M. J. Lee, C.-S. Chung, S.-H. Kim, B. Bernhardt, and H. Park, "Brain functional connectivity patterns for understanding obesity," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2020.

53. O. Benkarim, C. Paquola, S.-J. Hong, R. Vos de Wael, J. Royer, S. Larivière, B.-y. Park, and B. Bernhardt, "Profiling functional connectome idiosyncrasy in typical and atypical development," (Oral), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2020.

52. S. Larivière,  B.-y. Park, Y. Weng, J. Royer, C. Paquola, R. Vos de Wael, B. Frauscher, Z. Wang, A. Bernasconi, N. Bernasconi, D. V. Schrader, Z. Zhang, and B. Bernhardt, "Connectome re-architecture following temporal lobe surgery," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2020.

51. S. Larivière, Y. Weng, J. Royer, B.-y. Park, C. Paquola, Z. Wang, R. Vos de Wael, Z. Zhang, and B. Bernhardt, "Pre-operative epileptic network architecture constrains surgery-induced connectome reorganization,” (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2020.

50. S.-J. Hong, L. Mottron, B.-y. Park, Y. Weng, O. Benkarim, B. Hyung, S. Larivière, R. Vos de Wael, S. Valk, M. Milham, A. Di Martino, and B. Bernhardt, "Dimensional and categorical approaches to map neurobiology underlying cognitive imbalances in autism," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2020.

49. Q. Li, S. Tavakol, J. Royer, R. Vos de Wael, B.-y. Park, C. Paquola, D. B. Zeng, B. Caldairou, D. S. Bassett, A. Bernasconi, N. Bernasconi, B. Frauscher, J. Smallwood, L Caciagli, S. Y. Li, and B. Bernhardt, "Topographic profiling of memory-related pattern separation process in humans," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2020.

48. J. Royer, R. Rodriguez-Cruces, S. Tavakol, Q. Li, S. Larivière, R. Vos de Wael, C. Paquola, O. Benkarim, B.-y. Park, A. J. Lowe, B. Frauscher, and B. C. Bernhardt, "A multimodal MRI dataset for microstructure-informed connectomics," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2020.

47. M. Kim, X. Yao, B.-y. Park, J. Yan, and L. Shen, "Imaging genetic strategies for predicting the quality of sleep using depression-specific biomarkers," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2020.

46. W. Jhang, J. Kim, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "Classifying insomnia with machine learning using magnetic resonance imaging of the brain," (Poster), IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability, May 2020.

45. B.-y. Park, S.-J. Hong, L. Mottron, S. Valk, J. Smallwood, and B. Bernhardt, "Distorted structural connectome manifolds in autism," (Poster), Society of Biological Psychiatry, May. 2020.


44. H. Lee, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "Application of Stepwise Functional Connectivity Analysis in Obesity," (Poster), Korean Society of Human Brain Mapping, Nov. 2019.

43. B.-y. Park, K. Byeon, H. Park, and W. M. Shim, "Distinct functional networks of peripheral and central visual representations in primary visual cortex during rest and task," (Poster), Society for Neuroscience, Oct. 2019. Link

42. H. S. Lee, B.-y. Park, K. Byeon, and H. Park, "Parcellation of the belt area in the human auditory cortex using multi-modal magnetic resonance imaging," (Poster), Society for Neuroscience, Oct. 2019. Link

41. K. Byeon, B.-y. Park, H. S. Lee, S.-G. Kim, and H. Park, "Fully automated parcellation of the primary auditory cortex," (Poster), Society for Neuroscience, Oct. 2019. Link

40. M. J. Lee, B.-y. Park, S. Cho, Y.-J. Choi, H. Park, S. T. Kim, and C.-S. Chung, "Dynamic functional connectivity of migraine brain: a resting-state fMRI study," (Poster), International Headache Conference 2019, Sep. 2019.

39. M. J. Lee, B.-y. Park, S. Cho, H. Park, S. T. Kim, and C.-S. Chung, "Reduced cerebrovascular reactivity is a determinant of deep white matter hyperintensities in migraine: a BOLD MRI study with the prospective CO2 targeting method," (Poster), International Headache Conference 2019, Sep. 2019.

38. E.-J. Lee, H.-A. Choi, D. H. Kim, H. Park, B.-y. Park, and K. Byeon, "The effect of luxury brands’ CSR communication on purchase intention: An fMRI investigation," 2019 Global Fashion Management Conference at Paris, July 2019.

37. C.-U. Park, E. Baeg, B.-H. Choi, B.-y. Park, H. Park, and S.-G. Kim, "Comparisons of resting-state networks obtained at 3 and 7 Tesla MRI in anesthetized rhesus monkey," (Poster), ISMRM 27th Annual meeting & Exhibition, May 2019.

36. H. Lee, K. Byeon, B.-y. Park, H. S. Lee, and H. Park, "Definition and parcellation of human auditory cortex region using multi-modal imaging data," (Poster), 2019 The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, May 2019.

(이혜빈, 변경섭, 박보용, 이환, 박현진, "다중모드 영상 데이터를 이용한 인간 대뇌 청각 피질 영역의 정의와 분할,"(Poster), 2019년 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, May 2019.)

35. S.-H. Kim, B.-y. ParkH. Park, and J.-h. Chung, "The effects of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on resting-state functional connectivity in obese adults," (Poster), 50th Korean Society for the Study of Obesity, Apr. 2019.

34. H. Lee, B.-y. Parkand H. Park, "Segmentation of liver CT image using morphological and threshold approaches," (Poster), 31th Workshop on Image Processing and Image Understanding, Feb. 2019.

(이혜빈, 박보용, 박현진, "형태연산과 문턱치를 이용한 간 CT 영상 분할 알고리즘," (Poster), 제 31회 영상처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵, Feb. 2019.)

33. W. W. Jhang, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "Connectivity analysis using fMRI during working memory  status," (Poster), 31th Workshop on Image Processing and Image Understanding, Feb. 2019.

(장우원, 박보용, 박현진, "자기공명영상을 이용한 작업 기억 상태에서의 연결성 분석," (Poster), 제 31회 영상처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵, Feb. 2019.)




32. B.-y. Park, "A fully automated preprocessing software for functional MRI," (Oral), Society for Global Ph.D. Fellows, Nov. 2018.

31. M. J. Lee, B.-y. Park, J. Park, J. R. Kim, S. Cho, H. Park, and C.-S.Chung, "The Migraine Brain: A Dynamic Functional Network Connectivity Study," (Oral), 16th Asian Oceanian Congress of NeurologyNov. 2018.

30. K. Byeon, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "Body mass index prediction using diffusion tensor Imaging," (Poster), SMIT2018 – IBEC2018 Joint Conference (30th Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology & International Biomedical Engineering Conference 2018), Nov. 2018.

29. J. M. Kwon, K. Byeon, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "A recurrent neural network-based BMI classification using resting-state fMRI," (Poster), SMIT2018 – IBEC2018 Joint Conference (30th Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology & International Biomedical Engineering Conference 2018), Nov. 2018.

28. H. Lee, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "Development of automatic liver segmentation algorithms for contrast CT scans," (Poster), SMIT2018 – IBEC2018 Joint Conference (30th Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology & International Biomedical Engineering Conference 2018), Nov. 2018.


27. H. Song, B.-y. Park, J. Han, H. Park, and W. M. Shim, "The dynamic changes in narrative understanding represented in the regional- and network-level state of the human brain," (Poster), Society for Neuroscience 2018 Annual Meeting, Nov. 2018.

26.  K. Byeon, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "Regional homogeneity reduction in cognition-related brain networks and its relationship with body mass index," (Oral), Korean Society of Human Brain Mapping, Nov. 2018.

* Award: Best oral presentation

25. M. J. Lee, B.-y. Park, C. Lee, H. Park, and C.-S. Chung, "The neural signature of chronic migraine: A resting-state functional connectivity study of chronic migraine," (Oral), Migraine Trust International Symposium, Sep. 2018.


​24. J. Kim, B.-y. Park, H. Park, "Survival prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma patients treated by transarterial chemoembolization using CT radiomics analysis," (Poster), 40th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, July 2018.

23. H. Song, B.-y. Park, H. Park, and W. M. Shim, "The changes in narrative understanding represented in the time-resolved large-scale network- and regional- level states of the human brain," (Poster), Korean Society for Cognitive Science 2018 Annual Meeting, June 2018.

* Award: Best poster presentation

22. H. Song, B.-y. Park, H. Park, and W. M. Shim, "Dynamic reconfiguration of global network and regional functional connectivity when comprehending visual narratives," (Poster), Vision Sciences Society 18th Annual MeetingMay 2018. Link

21. K. Byeon, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "Prediction of cerebral white matter neuronal fiber bio-marker using T1 MRI," (Poster), 2018 The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, May 2018.

(변경섭, 박보용, 박현진, "T1자기공명영상을 이용한 대뇌 백질 신경섬유 지표 예측," (Poster), 2018년 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, May 2018.)


20. H. Song, B.-y. Park, H. Park, and W. M. Shim, "Dynamic reconfiguration of global network and regional functional connectivity when comprehending visual narratives," (Oral), Korean Society for Cognitive & Biological Psychology, Feb. 2018.



19. B.-y. Park, "Connectivity analyses for neuroimaging and its applications," (Oral), Korea Global Ph.D Fellows, Dec. 2017.


18. K. Byeon, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "Classification between people with sleep disturbance and normal controls using correlation tensor from resting state functional MRI," (Poster), Korean Society of Human Brain Mapping, Nov. 2017.

17. B.-y. Park and H. Park, "Functional brain networks associated with eating behaviors in obesity," (Oral), 2017 Korean Marketing Association, Nov. 2017.

16. B.-y. Park, M. J. Lee, and H. Park, "White matter hyperintensity (WMH) segmentation," (Oral & Poster), WMH segmentation challenge, Grand challenge at Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2017, Sep. 2017. Link


15. B.-y. Park and H. Park, "Brain networks and eating behaviors: A dynamic connectivity analysis approach," (Oral & Poster), The 10th UK-KOREA Neuroscience Symposium, Aug. 2017.


14. B.-y. Park, J. H. Won, S. Y. Lee, D. C. Kang, J. H. Kim, J. Bong, and H. Park, "Classification of Barrett's esophagus sub-classes and neoplasia using texture features of endomicroscopy imaging," (Poster), 39th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, July 2017.


13. K. Byeon, I. H. Lee, D. G. Lee, J. Kim, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "Correlation tensor using resting state fMRI in corpus callosum," (Oral & Poster), 39th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, July 2017.


12. J. Hong, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "Convolutional neural network classifier for distinguishing Barrett's esophagus and neoplasia endomicroscopy images," (Poster), 39th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, July 2017. Link

11. J. H. Won, B.-y. Park, S. E. Na, K. H. Kim, and H. Park, "Lung nodule analysis of low-dose computed tomography," (Poster), 29th Workshop on Image Processing and Image Understanding, Feb. 2017.

(원지혜, 박보용, 나상은, 서은영, 김기훈, 박현진, "저선량 CT의 폐 결절 분석 (Lung nodule analysis)," (Poster), 제 29회 영상처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵, Feb. 2017.)




10. B.-y. Park, "Parcellation of the auditory cortex using connectivity of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging," (Oral), Korea Global Ph.D Fellows, Dec. 2016.


9. B.-y. Park and H. Park, "Brain connectivity changes in healthy weight, overweight and obese  subjects," (Poster), Korean Society of Human Brain Mapping, Nov. 2016.

8. B.-y. Park, J. Kim, and H. Park, "Differences in connectivity patterns between child and adolescent attention deficit hyperactivity disorder patients," (Poster), 38th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, Aug. 2016. Link


7. B.-y. Park, Y. Lee, and H. Park, "Time lag analysis of brain signals of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder patients using resting-state functional MRI," (Oral), 51th The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, May 2016.

(박보용, 이유부, 박현진, "Resting-state functional MRI를 이용한 주의력 결핍 및 과잉 행동 장애 환자들의 뇌 신호 지연시간 분석," (Oral), 2016년 제 51회 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, May 2016.)

* Award: Best oral presentation




6. B.-y. Park and H. Park, "Relation between anxiety, depression, and obesity in terms of dysfunctions in default mode network," (Oral), International Biomedical Engineering Conference 2015, Nov. 2015.


5. J. H. Won, N. Lee, B.-y. Park, and H. Park, "Semi-automatic polyp segmentation in colonoscopy videos," (Poster), International Biomedical Engineering Conference 2015, Nov. 2015.

4. B.-y. Park, J. Kim, S. H. Lee, and H. Park, "Different brain connectivity for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder subtypes," (Poster), Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June 2015.

3. B.-y. Park and H. Park, "Prediction of diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders scores in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder patients using task functional MRI," (Poster), 50th The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, May 2015.

(박보용, 박현진, "Task functional MRI를 이용한 주의력 결핍 과다 행동 장애 환자의 정신질환 진단 및 통계 편람 점수 예측," (Poster), 2015년 제 50회 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, May 2015.)

* Award: Best biomedical image



2. B.-y. Park and H. Park, "Difference between male and female Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder patients' brain dysfunction using resting-state functional MRI," (Poster), International Biomedical Engineering Conference 2014, Nov. 2014.

1. B.-y. Park, S. J. Son, and H. Park, "Observation of changes for cannabis addiction patients in Brodmann's area 28 using resting-state functional MRI," (Poster), 49th The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, May 2014.

(박보용, 손성진, 박현진, "대마초 중독 환자의 resting-state functional MRI를 이용한 브로드만 28번 영역에서의 변화 관찰," (Poster), 2014년 제 49회 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회, May 2014.)

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