Structural and functional brain connectivity changes between people with abdominal and non-abdominal obesity and their association with behaviors of eating disorders
B.-y. Park, M. J. Lee, M. Kim, S.-H. Kim, and H. Park
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12:741, Oct. 2018
Published in Frontiers e-book: Link
DEWS (DEep White matter hyperintensity Segmentation framework): A fully automated pipeline for detecting small deep white matter hyperintensities in migraineurs
B.-y. Park*, M. J. Lee*, S.-H. Lee, J. Cha, C.-S. Chung, S. T. Kim, and H. Park
NeuroImage-Clinical, 18:638-647, Mar. 2018
doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2018.02.033
Code: https://github.com/bypark/DEWS
*Equal contributions
Functional connectivity based parcellation of early visual cortices
B.-y. Park, K.-J. Tark, W. M. Shim†, and H. Park†
Human Brain Mapping, 39(3):1380-1390, Mar. 2018
doi: 10.1002/hbm.23926
Dynamic functional connectivity analysis reveals improved association between brain networks and eating behaviors compared to static analysis
B.-y. Park, T. Moon, and H. Park
Behavioural Brain Research, 337(1):114-121, Jan. 2018