Differences in structural connectome organization across sleep quality
Y. Yang and B.-y. Park
Heliyon, 9(12):e23138, Dec. 2023
Cortical microstructural gradients capture memory network reorganization in temporal lobe epilepsy
J. Royer, S. Larivière, R. Rodriguez-Cruces, D. G. Cabalo, S. Tavakol, H. Auer, A. Ngo, B.-y. Park, C. Paquola, J. Smallwood, E. Jefferies, L. Caciagli, A. Bernasconi, N. Bernasconi, B. Frauscher, B. C. Bernhardt
Brain, 1146(9):3923-3937, Sep. 2023
Functional and microstructural plasticity following social and interoceptive mental training
S. L. Valk†, P. Kanske, B.-y. Park, S.-J. Hong, A. Boeckler-Rattig, F.-M. Trautwein, B. C. Bernhardt*†, and T. Singer*
eLife, 12:e85188, Aug. 2023
doi: 10.7554/eLife.85188
*Equal contributions; †Co-corresponding
Whole-brain functional gradients reveal cortical and subcortical alterations in patients with episodic migraine
C. H. Lee, H. Park, M. J. Lee†, and B.-y. Park†
Human Brain Mapping, 44(6):2224-2233, Apr. 2023
doi: 10.1002/hbm.26204
Code: https://github.com/CAMIN-neuro/caminopen/tree/master/migraine_gradient
Atypical intrinsic neural timescales in temporal lobe epilepsy
K. Xie, J. Royer, S. Lariviere, R. Rodriguez-Cruces, R. Vos de Wael, B.-y. Park, S. Tavakol, J. DeKraker, C. Abdallah, L. Caciagli, D. S. Bassett, A. Bernasconi, N. Bernasconi, B. Frauscher, L. Concha, and B, C. Bernhardt
Epilepsia, 64(4):998-1101, Apr. 2023
doi: 10.1111/epi.17541
Long-range functional connections mirror and link microarchitectural and cognitive hierarchies in the human brain
Y. Wang, J. Royer, B.-y. Park, R. Vos de Wael, S. Larivière, S. Tavakol, R. Rodríguez-Cruces, C. Paquola, S.-J. Hong, D. S. Margulies, J. Smallwood, S. L. Valk, A. C. Evans, and B. C. Bernhardt
Cerebral Cortex, 33(5):1782-1798, Mar. 2023
A convergent structure–function substrate of cognitive imbalances in autism
S.-J. Hong†, L. Mottron, B.-y. Park, O. Benkarim, S. L. Valk, C. Paquola, S. Larivière, R. Vos de Wael, J. Degré-Pelletier, I. Soulieres, B. Ramphal, A. Margolis, M. P. Milham, A. Di Martino, and B. C. Bernhardt†
Cerebral Cortex, 33(5):1566-1580, Mar. 2023