Whole-brain functional connectivity correlates of obesity phenotypes
B.-y. Park, K. Byeon, M. J. Lee, C.-S. Chung, S.-H. Kim, F. Morys, B. Bernhardt, A. Dagher, and H. Park
Human Brain Mapping, 41(17):4912-4924, Dec. 2020
doi: 10.1002/hbm.25167
A neuroimaging marker for predicting longitudinal changes in pain intensity of subacute back pain based on large-scale brain network interactions
B.-y. Park, J.-J. Lee, H. J. Kim, C.-W. Woo, H. Park
Scientific Reports, 10:17392, Oct. 2020
Accurate neuroimaging biomarkers to predict body mass index in adolescents: a longitudinal study
B.-y. Park, C.-S. Chung, M. J. Lee†, and H. Park†
Brain Imaging and Behavior, 14:1682-1695, Oct. 2020
doi: 10.1007/s11682-019-00101-y
Multivariate association between brain function and eating behaviors using sparse canonical correlation analysis
H. Lee*, B.-y. Park*, K. Byeon, J. H. Won, M. Kim, and H. Park
PLoS ONE, 15(8):e0237511, Aug. 2020
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237511
The orbitofrontal cortex functionally links obesity and white matter hyperintensities
B.-y. Park, K. Byeon, M. J. Lee, S.-H. Kim, and H. Park
Scientific Reports, 10:2930, Feb. 2020
Two-step deep neural network for segmentation of deep white matter hyperintensities in migraineurs
J. Hong, B.-y. Park, M. J. Lee, C.-S. Chung, J. Cha, and H. Park
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 183:105065, Jan. 2020